

Food Machinery

More than 49 years of experience…

We are specialized in machinery for the food industry and we accompany you throughout the process: advice, study, design and manufacturing and after-sales.

maquisur's process


Machinery for the food industry

Quality, commitment and seriousness.

To be the perfect partner for any company and even more so for those belonging to the food sector, knowing and analyzing all their needs, in order to adapt to them as best as possible, always providing facilities and the best solutions to our customers.

To be a benchmark in technology, offering top quality machinery for the food industry and at the forefront of the market, under the premises of quality, health, commitment, seriousness and excellence.

mision y vision maquisur como fabricantes de maquinaria para la industria alimentaria

Our services

Solutions for all lines

Our objective is to offer effective solutions and meet the objectives and expectations of our clients

Processing Lines

Maquinaria para procesar cualquier tipo de producto, sea o no alimenticio.

Packaging Lines

Maquinaria destinada al envasado de cualquier tipo producto.

End of Process

machinery for the finishing and final of the process.

discover our

Customized New Machinery

Processing, packaging and end-of-process lines

We are here to help you

Do you need custom machinery?

If you need any type of custom machinery, do not hesitate, contact us and we will solve all your doubts


+34 868 05 07 99


Discover our best offers

Used Machinery


Láser Cut

servicio de corte láser para empresas o comercios y para maquinaria para la industria alimentaria

Laser cutting is a technique used to cut sheet metal parts, it can be steel, iron, aluminum and even brass. Characterized by using a fiber laser tube that generates the laser beam by passing the light from a diode through a fiber optic cable doped with very rare elements in nature such as ytterbium or neodymium, which amplifies the power of the light that focuses electrons on the work surface, in order to evacuate the cut material it is necessary to supply a pressurized gas such as oxygen, nitrogen or argon.

Thanks to laser cutting, we can place urgent orders to companies or businesses that place such orders, we also greatly speed up the construction of our new machinery, and even sporadically allow us to carry out decorative work for all our clients.

Our latest projects

From the simplest machine... to the most complex process

We provide tailor-made solutions for the needs that arise in the production line. From the project and personalized design of machinery, training in start-up and maintenance, going through its updating, repair and preventive maintenance.


At Maquisur we want to provide solutions tailored to your needs, in any production line. From the project and personalized design of machinery, training in start-up and maintenance, going through its updating, repair and preventive maintenance.


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